Dominic Staveacre - Editor

Currently Available


BBC London Factual staff offline editor for 16 years. Fast on Avid, Final Cut Pro and Premier. Keen storytelling skills. Fastidious organiser, enabling to find the perfect shot or sound bite in moments. Visually creative. Fun to be around but also confident working alone with just a script and a pile of rushes. Always enthusiastic with 'can do' attitude. Calm when the shit is hitting the fan.

Top Credits

  • Title: A Real Bugs Life
    Length: @10 x 60 mins
    Genre: Factual
    Producer: Bill Markham
    Channel: Disney
    Company: Plimsoll
  • Title: Animal Park
    Length: 1x 60 mins
    Genre: Factual
    Producer: Alaister Bell
    Channel: BBC 1
    Company: Remarkable
  • Title: Traffic Cops
    Length: 5x 60 mins
    Genre: Documentaries
    Producer: Simon Meehan
    Channel: Channel 5
    Company: Mentorn
  • Title: Horizon
    Length: 60 mins
    Genre: Factual
    Producer: Steve Crabtree
    Channel: BBC 2
    Company: BBC Studios